compass sundial sundial crucifix crucifix gnomen gnomen flint coins rosary spoon tinderbox tinder
Medieval Wayfarer's Kit __ Drawing the laces to open the flap
Suppose it’s the Middle Ages and you’re leaving home on holy pilgrimage. Naturally there are no Seven-Elevens along the route, so you’ll have to carry every little item you might need on your way to Lourdes, or wherever. But wait, you have no pants! Those are medieval hose you’re wearing; YOU HAVE NO POCKETS! You do however gird your tunic with a long leather belt which is ideal for carrying a small purse containing those things that will come in handy on the long road... as well as a few comforts from home. You'll find no car keys, ID nor sunglasses here, but rather some items as useful as any Blackberry to an itinerant serf.
The closed purse as it would be worn on one's belt Untying the laces
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Pouch with flint & steel
Detail of Flint & Steel: The steel stiker engages in loops to hold the pouch closed and the flint securely inside once the pouch lid is buttoned.

To strike a spark, the iron is held between the first three fingers of the right hand and struck against the flint, held in the left hand with tinder underneath.

Putting it all back into the compass basin in which everything is stowed. The spoon's handle has been disengaged from its socketed bowl so it will fit. Who needs pockets?
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Copyright © 2004 - 2011 Brian Zegarski, all rights reserved.

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